Joe Johnson
Journalist/ Photographer/Campaigner

Olympics 2012 Media Team Trip
In my first year of my Degree myself and four other students had the chance to go to the 2012 Olympics for three days to report on the atmosphere and excitment.
The person who offered us the oppertunity to go to the event left his job and we thought it wasn't going to happen.
I decided to take on the task of organising this amazing oppertunity myself, three weeks later I had organised a trip for the five of us with only a budget of a thousand pounds.
Larkin 25 Eye Hospital
I was commision to photograph these images by the Larkin 25 commitee and Hull Eye Hospital in 2011.
The first image shown of a light house and sea scape was taken at Spurn Point, this image represents Philip Larkin's poem "Lonelier and lonelier" this marks the 25th landmark.
The next image of Hull Paragon Station with a Larkin esq bike was from one of his poems called "Whitsun Weddings", this marks the 3rd landmark.
Journalism Day 2013 - 2014
Journalism Day is for anyone interested in becoming a journalist. A number of visiting speakers each year have been to talk about their experiences in the industry.

Whitefriargate Hull
A series of images releated to my Whitefriargate project and Pop Up Cafe Project.

Heights of Hull
The Heights of Hull was a project based on photographing Hull from a high point of view.
To make this possible I had to find buildings that had flat roofs for me photograph off, along with doing risk assessments first.
I am going to keep photographing Hull from these high point of views during the summer of 2014.